White House, White Supremacy

On Saturday, November 3, 2018, an angry white man fatally shot and murdered two women injuring five more people in a yoga studio in Tallahassee, Florida, USA, before killing himself. The forty-year-old, ex-military and teacher, self-proclaimed misogynist, had previously sexually assaulted at least two other women; he had reportedly posted hate videos against women and blacks describing  them as “disgusting” and “whores”; he identified with the online subculture of “incels”* (involuntary celibate): angry, sexually frustrated white chauvinist heterosexual men; they are part of the wider misogynistic MRA (men’s rights activism), a movement that is linked with the Alt-Right and the reemerging, particularly Trumpist, morph of White Nationalism in the USA & beyond. Beierle wasn’t politically affiliated, he wasn’t, apparently, a registered supporter of any established political party, although a photograph of himself grinning next to a Ronald Reagan image suggests he might have been a GOP sympathizer. But Beierle didn’t kill because of his politics: hatred, racism, misogyny are not politics.

Let’s stop using euphemisms and call it what it is: it’s not “conservatism” it’s not “republicanism”, it’s not “alternative right” – it is the antithesis of political dialogue, it is the end of politics and the end of democracy: it is Fascism & White Supremacy.

77 years ago Americans fought against the Fascists and the Nazis – today there is a White Nationalist figurehead in the White House. A country of Immigrants that once welcomed the poor and the weary with a Dream and the Statue of Liberty has been corroded by inherent, ever-present racism and irrational belief in its own exceptionalism, it’s own “master-race” destiny – superiority above all others – infested by hatred, fanaticism and prejudice: against refugees, against the poor and the sick and single mothers, against  homosexual, transgender, black, native – against everyone else that is “different”; that is what bigotry and jingoism is, that is the very essence of what Fascism is. And that is precisely what Trumpism is.

In a country that was born out of colonialism, founded upon ethnic cleansing, genocide of the natives and slave ownership and yet aspired to evolve into a democracy of free people, racism has never gone away; it has always been there in latent or manifest form; persistent, pervasive Christian evangelical religiosity, gun culture, “hero” worship, imperialism, plutocracy, reverence for the flag, the military and the nation, all contributed towards preserving deep-rooted discrimination that prevented the US from becoming truly secular and distancing itself from primitivism and tribalism in its public life; the human rights movement removed official support for racist pseudo-ideologies, made their public expression politically incorrect; that sent racist theorists & neo-Nazis underground, to fester and ruminate, achieve cult status, become radicalized, infiltrate, plot and prepare, waiting for a revival, the coming of a suitable Leader. And the moment has come.

The amoral Über-Creep-In-Chief has arrived as an embodiment of divine intervention – a Messianic Fascist figure sent to deliver his people and liberate the land; a god-sent instrument of restoration of the “natural order of things”, a climactic, violent release of the W.A.S.P et al’s frustration and vindication: revenge against the ultimate hubris – eight years of an “uppity” black man (worse: of “mixed race”), in the White House – and the Orange One has delivered: he has consolidated the hatred, liberated it from guilt and shame. Obama is the personification of what the White Supremacist hates, despises and fears the most: the son of a white woman and a black man, a child born out of “contamination” of the white “race” by “other” blood – the basis of Eugenics. White Christian Identity and Racial hatred have now been given renewed license to operate and speak, openly, loudly and proudly; it is absolved, devictimized and free to act, advocate, instigate and commit hate crimes: racism has once more become mainstream. White supremacy sits in the White House. American history has gone full circle.

The New Führer doesn’t have to be eloquent or coherent; it suits the most fanatic, belligerent core of his base better that he is arrogant, anti-intellectual and hostile towards science; it makes him even more instantly recognizable and potent as a Fascist Icon: artless, crude, rude and socially awkward, a clumsy public speaker, a nonsensical, pathological liar and narcissistic megalomaniac of bad taste, a crass, unsophisticated poseur with the flimsiest of tacky fool’s gold veneers, devoid of civility, humanity and common decency, incapable of study and learning, a spiteful, rabid, self-obsessed, know-it-all caricature frothing at the mouth as he is winging it, spitting out insane fabrications and cretinisms – they can identify with him more that way because he is not patronizing them or appealing to their better nature – on the contrary, he is intentionally appealing to the worst common denominator.

Because Trump lacks the polish of the Washington professional politicians, it was easy to fool many that he wasn’t an elitist, part of the political Elite, the “swamp”, the “deep state”, pretend he was an outsider, concealing, albeit thinly, the fact that he is not just very much of a “one percenter” Elitist with  a long history of exploitation, but also a predator from a much deeper, murkier, base layer underneath the bottom of the swamp, conspiring to subvert and replace the political corruption with the purest form of the authoritarian state – the Fascist, absolute, Supreme White Male Dictatorship.

Trump doesn’t insult his voters by being perceivably any better than the worse among them, the core base element that permeates and unites them. He will not take the moral high ground – that would be weakness. He is not conciliatory and “wimpy” to admit mistakes. The Über-Leader does not make mistakes, he acts superhuman; the White Empire is perfect, faultless and does not apologize. Trump doesn’t possess the intellect that the white supremacist has come to identify as the Enemy – the intellectual “Elites” among progressive authors and politicians, democrats, liberals, pacifists, integrated people, globalists, world citizens, environmentalists, teachers, ecologists, scientists, friends of the Earth, all those that the Fascist calls bleeding hearts, weaklings, “pussies”…The persona that the fascist is projecting and seeks in others is the image of Raw Power, never of rationality, dialogue, coherent thought or mutual respect; a Fascist acting civilized is just using deception to serve his agenda. Trump embodies the Brute Force & Ignorance the “dispossessed whites” have been waiting for – making it plain for them to see that he is “the one”, the only one who can “fix this” and restore the Empire into the hands of its “rightful” masters and owners: the White folk. The White Male, in particular. The female’s job is to keep her mouth shut and spread her legs, with or without her consent, surrender her womb to breed with the ultra white male and produce more white folk.

The new Führer’s messages are loud and clear: he proudly declares himself a Nationalist and tells his supporters to “use that word”, decriminalizing it. [“Nation” is a nonsensical concept: nobody has ever offered a satisfactory definition of what a nation really is or means – it is just a byword for institutionalized bigotry and racism; a country, society or community consists of people vastly different between them in regards of sex, gender, ethnic background, language, belief systems, culture, origins etc – it is a nightmare for a White Supremacist who hates that kind of thing (variety, integration, equality, peaceful coexistence of differences). A white supremacist sees things literally in black and white: black is the enemy, any color other than white is racial treason; the Nation for the white supremacist is a homogeneous tribe in a state of racial entropy – nothing different, foreign, alien allowed; no threat to his superiority; Adam and Eve were white, God is white, therefore his Eden is exclusively for whites and he is the favorite son, he is promised this land, it’s his and his alone; the Nazi Nation is also Male, like the Creator – it is the Fatherland, a male-dominated, patriarchal Utopia, so “White Nationalism” is the unifying code for a pure, racially cleansed society of white ruling males, relieved from competition with other males for land, wealth and procreation].

Trump tells US Citizens he can override the Constitution and strip them of their Citizenship rights – his fans cheer and applaud. He broadcasts that he ordered the troops to open fire at unarmed refugees and the base hollers in delight. How Brave! How Tough! What a Glorious, Manly Leader! Finally, they too, have a tough Boss in the White House, like that other white stud in the Kremlin…A pattern of adulation and camaraderie towards the Russian White Strongman is plain to see and no coincidence that Trumpists are now embracing what before was America’s “Arch-Enemy”; it doesn’t matter that the two countries are old Superpower rivals (back in the day when the US projected itself as the Force of Light, a model of democracy, freedom & equality, painting the USSR as the dictatorial, Dark Force of Evil): White Supremacy is the overriding mutual goal; the white “blood” and its Mythical genetic “purity” unites them all, they are kin, they are brothers, they are family; political ideology and party affiliations do not apply – these superficial associations are divisive of the one true people, the white folk über alles.

If you see no clear political identity in Trump it’s because there is none: the issue is Race – the White man’s birthright to rule supreme over all others and own the world; the vehicle is neoliberal populism; the means is amorality and demagoguery; the leader will say anything his base wants to hear and will do anything to please and mobilize his people – his brethren, the superior, master race: he will use the angry white man’s fear, frustration and hatred to ignite the deep-seated belief that he, the white man is threatened, hated, dispossessed and disenfranchised by the racially inferior yet dangerous outsiders, by the impure enemy that is jealous of him and covets his women and seeks to dispute his hegemony and steal from him through democracy, equality and integration, dilute his blood and genetic purity with interracial relationships and “mixed-race” children, appropriate his heritage and his wealth and his ownership of the world and divide it among all the dirty, colored, dark hordes of the unworthy, second-class humans; he will fan the irrational faith in his fellow white folk’s mind about their own and his own genetic superiority and his destiny: to unite the baying mobs, to create the all-conquering army of the Mythical White Warrior, that will charge and silence and exterminate and incarcerate the opposition and ultimately realize the predetermined superman’s destiny with a final solution – a racially pure, ethnically cleansed Supreme State where the ruling class of white men is secure and unchallenged in Power, their exclusively owned, submissive white women and their pure ovaries safe from the threat of contamination by inferior genes, his legacy and his racially pure white children firmly on top of the food chain – as nature and the Supreme Being intended…

The Don tells them women are to be sexually assaulted, used and exploited for the gratification of their master – and abortion (of the precious white fetus) is murder; he tells them women throw themselves at powerful alpha males – “stars” like him – and he promises them the prosperity that will buy them that attention and stardom, too; his audience obliges and screams abuse at the survivors as he mocks the women he and his mates have harmed; the great Father of the Nation jokes about sexual fantasies towards his own daughter and future – “dating” a minor, the God-fearing Christian followers dismiss it; Bill Clinton got impeached for far less – the Klan was burning effigies of Obama, but it is the Don that gets away with murder: he mocks the disabled, he congratulates violence against journalists, he ignores assassination attempts against ex-Presidents and critics – he refuses to call them or even mention them by name except when he attacks them, right after explosives were sent to kill them by his vigilante supporter…and his fans approve.

He is flapping his soft tiny hands in annoyance because “the bombs thing” and the Synagogue Massacre temporarily halted the momentum of his midterms campaign – how dare anybody be talking about anything else and stealing his thunder, can’t these meanies made to, forced to respect the heroism of His Struggle to make the Nation White Again (and an irrelevant laughing stock as the world is watching with a mixture of amusement, dismay and concern)…But none of it registers in the Trumpian white supremacist voter’s primitive, devoid of any sense of irony, amoeboid brain…Rational citizens, both conservative and liberal, raise voices to remind that ” This is not the America we know and love, this is not what the Land of the Free is supposed to stand for” but mass hysteria and herd behavior has rendered the Trumpist Fascist pack incapable of realizing what’s happening, just like the millions of otherwise clever, well educated, sane and decent Germans who followed Adolf and his monstrous “Make Germany Great”, Fatherland über alles….and like any other pack that blindly followed any other tyrant throughout history…

The tribe following the Pied Piper is brain-dead-happy that he withdrew from the Paris agreement so that he and his swamp buddies can pollute their air and poison their water and turn their land into deserts…He unilaterally walks out of the Nuclear treaty, removes safety regulations from the oil tanker trains, protection from wildlife and the environment, fails to provide for the disaster-stricken Puerto Rico and lies about its death toll; his fans shrug it off and giggle moronically instead at the prospect of death, destruction and trophy hunting of endangered species – like the Great Big-Gun-stroking White Hunter role-model son of the Don himself…he declares he will expose the people undefended to the greatest catastrophe that ever threatened the Planet – they don’t seem to give a damn about their children’s future since the Orange Vacuum decreed Climate Change is a Chinese Hoax and asked who “drew” the UN report as if it was drawn with crayons…

The world at large is aghast with disbelief as he unravels spiraling further and further downwards into a bottomless pit of moral decay and inarticulate puerile rants, exhibiting all the symptoms of a psychopath, bromancing with Tyrants, Oligarchs and Dictators, turning a blind eye when a US-based journalist is murdered – who gives a shite under the greater scheme of things; those who matter – his fans – are delirious; they laugh with inane adoration and hero-worship; they defiantly support his manifest insanity and vehemently deny that any of it ever happened right in front of their noses, as he disputes every factual evidence the very next day with a new salvo of self-indulging, imbecile tweets and exploding bullshit…

He is pointing at the Enemies again – the world’s Great Superpower, armed to the teeth, is being “invaded” by a bunch of unarmed women and men walking a thousand miles away; he is seething, just as the Adolf before him was incensed by the great threat to the beloved Fatherland from the dastardly Jews; the Don calls the foreigners rapists and terrorists and very bad people without a shred of evidence – because who needs evidence in Trump universe? “there are no facts about anything” and “no proof” and “truth is not truth” and “people said” and the voices in his head had spoken…the residents of planet Trumpistan bubble, his devoted base-race, are so immune to facts from the daily “fake news” inoculations from watching Fox exclusively, they’d believe anything, deny anything and ignore anything, like all good fanatic fundamentalists do…”Lock and load” they say, eager to do the Lord’s good work with a shogun…Violence, guns, killing, are so normalized in American media that a large part of the public is desensitized and doesn’t even suspect that there might actually be something wrong with all that…

He sends more troops to the Mexican border than the US has stationed in the whole of Afghanistan or Syria, blatantly lying through his teeth as the active military personnel knows too well the rules of (non-)engagement with civilians; anybody who has ever looked at the map also knows the “caravan” won’t arrive (if they ever arrive) for weeks yet, and when they arrive they will not invade because they are not a foreign military force of invasion, merely a group of unarmed refugees, families, men, women and children with babies among them,  fleeing countries that have been devastated, to reach safety and seek asylum; this pathetic display from the Liar-In-Chief is just another deflection from the Khashoggi murder and the racial killings and the mail bomber and a wasteful election stunt, disrespectful of the refugees, disrespectful of the people who serve in the US military and disregarding of US law and tax-payers , who have to cough up the price of the Leader’s political expenditure and lies and posturing…

It is truly astonishing that so many people can’t find any empathy, any humanity, any sympathy for their fellow human beings; no charity and no compassion, no respect, no kindness, no consideration, no solidarity for families separated from their children, for those fleeing Climate Change, violence, corruption, earthquakes, poverty, hunger, forced to abandon their homes for shelter and a chance to live, travelling on foot, exposed to dangers and relying on the care and generosity of other people, something that is natural and to be expected among normal, caring members of social species. The reactions of the Trumpists on the social media about these migrants are really disgusting, spiteful, despicable, hypocritical, sickening and indefensible: pure hatred, vicious repetition and wild  exaggeration of the insults, the lies and the conspiracy theories hurled by the inhumane morph-in-Chief; in fact every quality that we define as common human decency seems to be severely lacking among the Trumpistan nationalists who also happen to claim that they are devout Christians: they don’t care about truth, they don’t care about people, not even their own compatriots; they just act like robots programmed to follow and mimic the Fuhrer and hate whoever they are told is the enemy; raise their fists, cheer for the Fuhrer and bay for blood.

And tragically, blood they predictably get.

It’s the innocent blood of fellow Americans that is shed, but what the hey, they were “only” women and Jews and Blacks… like “only” children killed in the mass shootings at schools, in the name of gun rights… like only “illegals” will be killed if they dare “assault” the border of the Trumpistan Empire…collateral damage in the Fuhrer’s and the Nation’s struggle for White Man’s Freedoms, right?

Yeah, Right… Alt-right… Alternative Reality…

The Fake-Tanned One is ultra-proficient in the language of Hatred, and Fear for those who are not like him and the superior race he represents: the Über-Fascist White Male. He emboldens and enables them and incites hate crime. He has innocent blood in his hands – the blood of US citizens, black people, Jewish people, Muslims, women, native people, minorities, American people that he swore to protect and serve. But the very anachronism of the oath to a superior being is what makes it irrelevant in the cult of the white folk: the opportunistic populist will do and say what he has to do to gain power and then betray those he fooled and destroy the democratic process that elected him, from within – burn the bridges behind him and move on to the next stage – white domination, dictatorship of the master race. That is the Achilles heel of Democracy, and especially in the weak Republic that has been corroded by centuries-old racism; it’s not that difficult or even improbable in a society divided, stratified and segregated, where so many black men are in prisons and women of color prejudiced against, minorities corralled in ghettos and white folk only comfortable among themselves.

Trump’s language is very effective: simple enough even for babes and well understood by those who idolize him – and they are not just the extremists: he constantly signals and winks and nods repeating the code they love – the calls to violence, hostility, prejudice, discrimination and incarceration, the threats, the brinkmanship, the falsehoods, the scapegoating, the bravado, the dehumanizing of the targets, the victimization, the persecution syndrome, the histrionics, the sufferer’s complex, the moaning and whining, the constant complaining; and yet in their chat rooms, the white supremacist Redditers refer to this tantrum-throwing spoiled brat and public embarrassment to humanity as GEOTUS (God Elect of The U.S.), and the NeoNazis proudly salute him with the words “Hail Trump”. Who is more pathetic – the Orange toddler or his fanatic faithful?

But wait before you dismiss him and them as harmless fools yet…The damage is mounting and as current events are unfolding, there is no way of knowing how far he and they can go. He tells them they are “winning” and they chant and they stomp, triumphant and tribal; they clap and raise their fists in a frenzy of power lust – aroused, ecstatic, excited, orgasmic because they don’t have to hide their intentions and their fascist hysteria anymore. Now, where have we seen that before…and what could possibly go wrong with it? This is the hidden message in the Trump rhetoric – to those who understand he cannot be totally explicit yet, but soon…It’s a Great White Supreme Fascist mass coming-out: they’ve come out from the sewers of history and their Messianic liberator is making Whites feel unapologetically Great and superior Again.

“America First” is nothing new: it’s a slogan going back some seventy-eight years, when the isolationists tried to stop the USA from joining WWII against Hitler.

The America First Committee‘s isolationist rally at Madison Square Garden, Oct. 30, 1941. Among the primary financiers of The Committee was William Regnery, grandfather of founder & financier of today’s Alt-right, William Regnery II.
Ralph Morse / The LIFE Images Collection / Getty Images (source)


With his language, chest-beating and peacock-strutting, farcical facial expressions and slogans, Trump points at the “Enemies of the People” (his people, his race, his tribe, the NeoFuhrer disciples, the White Folk Army, the Men’s Rights Activists and their myths), giving the Trumpists targets to attack – he’s practically drawing the crosshairs: refugees, foreigners, “Others”, the “Caravan“, journalists, non-whites, women, victims of sexual abuse, minorities, his political opponents, free press, non-Christians (Muslims, Jews), pro-choice, liberals, socialists, Democrats, non-Americans – anyone & everyone who is “mean” to him, criticizing the Snowflake-Über-Alles. The Neo-Nazi soldiers send their bombs and squeeze the triggers murdering innocent fellow Americans … and sometimes they kill themselves like Beierle, like Adolf, warriors on their way to the Valhalla, martyrs like suicide bombers offering the ultimate sacrifice to the Fascist cause, fantasizing perhaps they might finally get some pure white virgins in the afterlife, since the “disgusting whores” shunned them and refused them their entitlement to sex in this one…

The KKK does not wear the old garb anymore – they wear suits and they are respectable pillars of society, businessmen like William Regnery II, the moneyman behind the Alt-Right; they have their National Policy Institute and the NRA and the Evangelicals on their side, Fox News and Reddit at their disposal, their agitators and their white advocates and vigilantes, their Grand Wizards and their Neo-Goebbels Propaganda spewers out in the open and all over the internet.

The video (below) is chilling: watch Richard Spencer, American Nazi, White Supremacist and TrumpFuhrer’s Über-advocate, unfold his nightmarish wet dream of the Fascist States of America.

If this doesn’t serve as a stark realization that the Evil New Morph of Fascism is in the White House, perhaps nothing will…

First they came for the socialists, and the trade unionists, and the Jews, and the women, and the people of color, and the refugees…

Next they will come for you.



Rebranding White Nationalism: Inside Richard Spencer‘s Alt-Right
Further reading:
1. The Lost Boys: The young men of the alt-right could define American politics for a generation. (The Atlantic)
2. This Man Used His Inherited Fortune To Fund The Racist Right (BuzzFeed News)
3. Andrew Anglin The Making of an American Nazi (The Atlantic)
4. The Yoga Shooter Appeared to have made misogynistic videos (The State)
5. Mapping the Male Supremacy Movement: The Alt-Right’s Woman Problem (Ms Magazine)
6. Get to know the memes of the Alt-Right and never miss a dog-whistle again (Vice)
7. Linguistic data analysis of 3 billion Reddit comments shows the alt-right is getting stronger (Quartz)
*Incels (a portmanteau of involuntary celibates) are members of an online subculture who define themselves as unable to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one, a state they describe as inceldom. Self-identified incels are mostly white, male, and heterosexual. Discussions in incel forums are often characterized by resentment, misanthropy, self-pity, self-loathing, misogyny, racism, a sense of entitlement to sex, and the endorsement of violence against sexually active people. The Southern Poverty Law Center described the subculture as “part of the online male supremacist ecosystem” that is included in their list of hate groups. People who have either self-identified as incels or who had mentioned incel-related names and writings in their private writings or Internet postings have committed at least four mass murders in North America, resulting in forty-five deaths. Incel communities have been criticized by the media and researchers for being misogynist, encouraging violence, as well as spreading extremist views and radicalizing their members.
Cover photo: Jonathan Ernst, Reuters.

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